Let’s Create a Global Eco/Art Avalanche.

From environment.nationalgeographic.com

From environment.nationalgeographic.com

Mister Frank Liefooghe, the creator of this concept “Creation Assistance”, has hand-picked a selection of 50 artists and 120 creative solutions to the environmental problems facing us in the twenty-first century to participate in the exhibition as it travels to nine locations all over the world.  You will in due course meet all of them right here on the site.

But by no means does it stop there. First of all, we invite anyone who thinks green for trees and greenery, thinks blue for clean water and air , brown for an unpolluted soil to join us in bringing both new and existing eco solutions to the eyes of the general public.

And secondly, we invite artists from all nations to join us in creating a Global Eco/Art Avalanche and to show our joint concern for Mother Earth. We hope to inspire you to help us create such a storm on all fronts, be it politically, with big business and with art, that the world will just have to sit up and take notice. We owe it to our children and our grandchildren.

“Together, we can make a difference.”

Any and all efforts to help promote our project are greatly appreciated.

This Transparent Solar Cell Could Make Every Window A Power Source.

From trueactivist.com:


A new transparent solar cell that could be used as a window was recently developed by researchers at Michigan State University.

This is a feat that was once thought to be impossible, because traditional solar panels absorb light and turn it into energy, but a transparent surface is not typically able to absorb light.

To make a transparent solar cell, researchers opted for a different system called a transparent luminescent solar concentrator (TLSC), which contains organic salts that absorb specific non-visible wavelengths of ultraviolet and infrared light. This light is then guided towards traditional photovoltaic solar cells which are able to trap the energy and convert it into electricity.

Not only can this material be used for windows, but it can also be used for displays on electronic devices, giving them another source of power and potentially extending their energy life significantly.
Read More: http://www.trueactivist.com/this-transparent-solar-cell-could-make-every-window-a-power-source/?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=antimedia

Bolivia Gives Legal Rights To The Earth

From http://earthweareone.com/:


Law of Mother Earth sees Bolivia pilot new social and economic model based on protection of and respect for nature.

Bolivia is to become the first country in the world to give nature comprehensive legal rights in an effort to halt climate change and the exploitation of the natural world, and to improve quality of life for the Bolivian people.

Developed by grassroots social groups and agreed by politicians, the Law of Mother Earth recognises the rights of all living things, giving the natural world equal status to human beings.

Once fully approved, the legislation will provide the Earth with rights to: life and regeneration; biodiversity and freedom from genetic modification; pure water; clean air; naturally balanced systems; restoration from the effects of human activity; and freedom from contamination.


The legislation is based on broader principles of living in harmony with the Earth and prioritising the “collective good.” At its heart is an understanding that the Earth is sacred, which arises from the indigenous Andean worldview of ‘Pachamama’ (meaning Mother Earth) as a living being. An initial act outlining the rights – which was passed by Bolivia’s national congress in December 2010 and paves the way for the full legislation – defines Mother Earth as a dynamic and “indivisible community of all living systems and living organisms, interrelated, interdependent and complementary, which share a common destiny.”

Bolivia’s government will be legally bound to prioritise the wellbeing of its citizens and the natural world by developing policies that promote sustainability and control industry. The economy must operate within the limits of nature and the country is to work towards energy and food sovereignty while adopting renewable energy technologies and increasing energy efficiency.Preventing climate change is a key objective of the law, which includes protecting the lives of future generations. The government is requesting that rich countries help Bolivia adapt to the effects of climate change in recognition of the environmental debt they owe for their high carbon emissions. Bolivia is “particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change,” according to an Oxfam report in 2009, with increasing drought, melting glaciers and flooding.

On the international stage, the government will have a legal duty to promote the uptake of rights for Mother Earth, while also advocating peace and the elimination of all nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Following a change in Bolivia’s constitution in 2009, the law is part of a complete overhaul of the legal system. It represents a shift away from the western development model to a more holistic vision, based on the indigenous concept of Vivir Bien (to live well).

The proposal for the law states: “Living Well means adopting forms of consumption, behaviour and and conduct that are not degrading to nature. It requires an ethical and spiritual relationship with life. Living Well proposes the complete fulfilment of life and collective happiness.”

To read more click the link at the top!

Yes to Solar Roads!

From collective-evolution.com:

Netherlands Is The 1st Country To Open A Solar Road For Public Use


The world’s first solar bike lane is soon to be available for use in the Netherlands! The bike path that connects the Amsterdam suburbs of Krommenie and Wormerveer is a 70-meter stretch of solar-powered roadway set to open for the public on November 12th, 2014.

The new solar road, which costs €3m (AUD$4.3m), was created as the first step in a project that the local government hopes will see the path being extended to 100 metres by 2016.

More complimentary plans are also on the table as the country intends to power everything from traffic lights to electric cars using solar panels.


From www.evolver.net:

Here is something that could solve millions of people’s problems, who have no clean drinking water:


We are faced with constant reminders that nature is a powerful force that can instantly disrupt our lives. Here at Evolver, we believe it is important to be prepared for whatever comes our way. This summer and into the fall, we will be crowd-sourcing an ensemble of products to keep in your home or go-bag as part of our emergency preparedness series. Our senior advisor, Aton Edwards, is our go-to expert for all of the products in this category.

This is the LifeStraw, a personal water filter that can convert non-drinking, and contaminated water instantly to fresh drinking water . Ideal for camping, hiking, and a great companion if faced with emergency conditions. It’s lightweight and compact, so it’s an easy addition to your go-bag or your camping backpack. The filter can be used for up to 264 gallons of water. It’s really easy to use–just put the lower part of the straw into whatever water you would like to drink and sip. The water will be filtered by the time it reaches your tongue. We recommend the LifeStraw as an addition to any emergency preparedness kit, camping bag or adventure pack.

Largest climate march in history!

From Avaaz.org:

Months ago, our community decided on a crazy goal – the largest mobilisation on climate change in history. Just last Sunday, we blew past our wildest expectations, with a climate march *6 times* the size of anything before it!!! This was 80 city blocks of New York:

People's Climate March

And this was London, Berlin, Bogota, Paris, Delhi, and Melbourne…

Over 675,000 of us marched around the world. It was a beautiful expression of our love for all that climate change threatens, and our hope that we can save this world and build a society powered by 100% safe, clean energy. Click to see more pictures from the day:


Together, we made history, but it’s just the beginning. The crucial Paris climate summit is 15 months from now — that’s where we need a global deal. By March next year, countries have pledged to make their national commitments — so our movement will divide to focus on these national targets. But every few months until Paris we’ll come together globally again and again, bigger and bigger, to beat a drum for change, for 100% clean energy, that our leaders can only follow. The movement we’ve been waiting for has begun.

Taking a stroll through a subway station in France generates renewable power.

From takepart.com:


Sal holds a political science degree from the George Washington University. He’s written about all things environment since 2007.

Each day for the last six months, approximately 5,000 people passed through the turnstiles of the Saint-Omer subway station in northern France. Chances are good that the vast majority of them were so focused on the minutiae of their daily lives—Respond to the boss’ email now from my smartphone or from my computer when I get to the office? Un café express or un noir at the corner coffee cart?—that they didn’t realize that by putting one foot in front of the other they were serving the greater good by producing clean, renewable energy.

In March, 14 flooring tiles from London-based clean-tech company Pavegen Systems were installed at the mass-transit depot. The tiles, each roughly 7 by 24 inches, generate renewable electricity from the otherwise wasted energy of footsteps.

When a walker’s foot makes contact with the tile, it bends inappreciably, depressing an average of five millimeters each step and creating approximately seven watts of converted kinetic energy in the process. The slabs, made from 100 percent recycled rubber, can store energy for up to 72 hours via small built-in batteries.

The energy captured by the tiles at the Saint-Omer station has been used to power an LED bench lighting system and two USB ports installed in nearby benches, allowing commuters to charge their electronic devices as they wait for trains.

The concept was conceived in 2009 by Laurence Kemball-Cook, then a graduate student in industrial design at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom.

“I realized that although wind and solar alternatives were progressing exponentially, they were inefficient in urban environments due to high-rise infrastructure and pollution,” he says. “Given that 60 percent of the world’s population would be residing in urban environments by 2030, I decided to investigate further. I discovered footfall as an untapped, renewable resource that is efficient, constant, and literally all around us, to be used when and where it is needed.”

Since the first Pavegen tiles were installed at a U.K. school in 2010, the concept has spread across the Atlantic to the U.S. In January, Pavegen installed eight tiles in a hallway outside the cafeteria at New York City’s Riverdale Country School, the first American venue to feature the kinetic units. The captured electricity has been used to power a phone-charging dock and LED information boards that explain the innovation and potential uses of the technology.

“We received a highly positive reaction from both teachers and students—the fact that we’re educating aspiring innovators on a people-powered alternative to fossil fuels, whilst maintaining the fun factor, is a huge result for us,” says Kemball-Cook.

To read more click this link or the link at the top!

DIY Organic Pesticides

From theflamingvegan.com:


Farmers and gardeners are unfortunately heavily dependent on different types of pesticides and other chemicals to ward off insects, bugs and other plant and crop destroyers. Because of that, they spend a lot of money just to keep their crops and garden plants healthy and pest-free. But there is another way to get rid of those pests; it is by making your very own organic or natural pesticides.

Synthetic and commercial pesticides and other bug-killing chemicals are not only expensive but are also harmful to humans and animals. Their chemical contents are dangerous to our health. But despite that fact, many gardeners are still using these pesticides to help save their garden plants and crops.

But there is an alternative to get rid of those pesky bugs and insects – making your own organic pesticides. Your natural or organic pesticide has many benefits or advantages:

  • It is not harmfulI. – Natural pesticides do not contain any harmful chemicals that will be dangerous to your health; after all it is natural or organic. It is safe to plants, to good bugs and to you.
  • It is inexpensive. – You need not spend a lot of money because you can make your organic pesticide by using household items. You can readily have your own natural pesticide by checking your pantry or kitchen and find organic items that are known to be bug repellants.
  • It is easy to make. – You can make these natural pesticides on your own because all it takes is mixing or combining a few organic items found in your kitchen or house.
  • It is effective. – These homemade natural pesticides are proven and tested in keeping off pests and other harmful insects from your crops and garden plants, since there have been organic gardeners using them.

It has been shown that insects hate anything that are hot and spicy that is why some ingredients of natural pesticides include:

  • Onion
  • Hot pepper
  • Horseradish
  • Vinegar
  • Garlic

To read more click the link at the top!

Building a solar heater with recycled cans.

From faircompanies.com:


Building a solar panel heater out of aluminum cans is not as far-fetched as you might think. A company in Canada, Cansolair, Inc., specializes in building these units and has won awards for their design.

Their heaters have been described as “green energy and recycling all rolled into one”, and have proven to be very cost effective and efficient as well.

How do they work

The units are typically installed on the outside walls of houses, and of course, in a location that gets a lot of sun. The idea is to draw air from near the floor of any room in a home, and pass it through the heating panel, which contains several columns of cans.

The air is then returned to the same room near the ceiling. The cans are stacked and have large holes cut in both ends to allow the air to pass inside them while the outside of the cans is getting hot from the sun.

What you’ll need

  • 240 aluminum cans.
  • 3 – 8 ft. 2x4s.
  • 4 ft. x 8 ft. x 1/2 in. sheet of plywood.
  • High temperature silicon.
  • 4 ft. x 8 ft. sheet of Plexiglas or Lexan.
  • A can of heat-resistant flat black spray paint.
  • Plastic tubing.
  • Drill Press with wide drill bits.
  • Screws.
  • Optional Air Blower (consider a solar-powered unit).

How to build the solar panel

  1. Construct a wooden frame out the the 2x4s, approx. 4 ft. wide x 8 ft. high x 3 1/2 in. deep.  Next cut a piece of plywood this size and nail it to the back of the frame.
  2. Drill a hole in the top center of the frame – this is where you’ll connect your outlet hose.
  3. Drill a hole in the bottom of the frame – this is where your inlet hose will be connected.
  4. Drill large holes in the tops and bottoms from all the cans except for 16 which will be on the bottom row.  For those, drill the holes in the tops and sides.  Caution!  Aluminum cans are sharp – use heavy work gloves or other means to hold them in place as you cut the hols out.
  5. Start placing your cans into the frame.  Create 16 columns of 15 cans each.  Stack them one at at time, sealing them together as you go along.  Make sure the ones with side holes are on the bottom row.  Allow the silicone sealant to cure.
  6. Spray the cans and frame with the heat-resistant flat black paint.
  7. Cover the frame with the sheet of Plexiglas or Lexan.
  8. Cut holes in the side of the building that line up with holes in the top and bottom of the solar panel.  Air will be drawn from the building through the lower hole, which should be just above floor level, and be returned through the upper hole.
  9. Mount the completed panel on the exterior wall of the home.  Alternatively, you might mount the panel in a separate frame that will allow it to be tilted more toward the sun for better exposure.
  10. Install the blower at either the inlet or outlet.  This is not essential, but will increase the efficiency of your solar heater.

This unit allows air to flow all around the cans as it moves through the panel. A more efficient design will force all the air through the inside of the cans.  This will also avoid exposure of the air to the black paint.

You can look here and here for more information.

Originally posted at DIY-Solar-Power.net.

Here’s a video by Kirsten Dirksen explaining a similar DIY project by Peter Rowan from Seattle, Washington:


India is building Solar Canals.

From thehindubusinessline.com:


Close on heels of commencing use of wastelands in northern districts and rooftops in towns and cities, Gujarat is set to potentially use the existing 19,000 km-long network of Narmada canals across the State for setting up solar panels to generate power.

The Chief Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, will inaugurate the first of a series of this project, known as Canal Solar Power Project, when he launches a 1 megawatt (mw) pilot project, which is already commissioned, on Narmada branch canal near Chandrasan village of Kadi taluka in Mehsana district on Tuesday.

Last week, he inaugurated a 600-MW solar power project spread across 11 districts. This included a 214MW Solar Power Park, the largest such generation centre at a single location in Asia. Also, Azure Power, leading independent power producer in solar sector, announced a 2.5 MW rooftops project in Gandhinagar.

Gujarat, which invests nearly Rs 2,000 crore an year on renewable energy, has attracted investments of Rs 9,000 crore so far on solar energy projects.

The pilot project has been developed on a 750-m stretch of the canal by Gujarat State Electricity Corporation (GSECL) with support from Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd (SSNNL), which owns and maintains the canal network.

To read more click the link at the top!

Build Houses From Trash.

From takepart.com:

This Chinese Company Built Ten 3-D-Printed Buildings in One Day From Recycled Trash.


Rome wasn’t built in a day, but the city of the future sure might be. A Chinese company, Shanghai Yingchuang Design & Engineering Co., has built 10 buildings in an astonishing 24 hours, and it has done it all with a 3-D printer. The 3-D-printed structures, which are in the Qingpu District, a suburb of Shanghai, are constructed of a combination of recycled industrial waste and a mixture of sand, concrete, and glass fiber.

“The material has been transformed from industrial construction waste. It is lighter but five times as hard as common construction material,” company CEO Ma Yihe told China’s CNTV. “All the layers are firmly connected with each other. They won’t separate or deform or collapse.”

Similar to the world’s first 3-D-printed house, which went up in Amsterdam earlier this month, the building’s parts can be printed and then clicked together like Legos. The design “can save up to 50 percent of the construction material,” said Ma.

To read the full article and view the video click the link at the top!